- BE MOBILE – Mobile traffic to websites now accounts for more than 30% of visits. Your website needs to be designed for all devices and screen sizes.
- Send Just Listed/Just Sold postcards – Windermere has a reimbursement plan which makes mailing postcards a low cost way to market yourself – Talk to Kimberlee and Stefanie.
- Video a past client testimonial sharing their experience doing business with you and post it to your website or social media.
MAINTAIN YOUR WEBSITE! (and other social media sites) – Are the words “I don’t have time for that” coming to mind? Well they shouldn’t be! Your website is very important to your business. Keep in mind your website, as well as your social media accounts, are accessible 24/7/365. Kimberlee and Stefanie are available to give ideas to improve your website and draw a fresh client base…just ask
INVEST IN YOUR EXISTING CLIENTS! – 75% of a real estate agent’s business comes from referrals and word of mouth